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Brush Up on Your Child’s Oral Care

A couple and their child brushing their teeth

February is children’s oral health month and OneWorld’s Dental Director, Dr. Brian Penly, has some great information and helpful tips to keep children healthy and happy. Tooth decay is the number one cause of missed school days, and five times more common than asthma.

Follow this advice to keep your kids on track to a healthy smile.

  1. Children are what they drink.  A glass of orange juice has up to 28 grams of sugar and is very high in acid? Sugar and acid together create the perfect storm to damage children’s teeth.
    Key tip!  Substitute water or milk for juice and sport’s drinks.
  2. Gum is your friend.  Parents should think of sugar-free gum as an important way to keep children’s teeth healthy.  Gum such as “Ice Cubes” contain special ingredients such as Xylitol that can actually prevent cavities.
    Key Tip!  Chewing gum for five minutes after a drinking juice or soda can protect  teeth from damaging effects.
  3. It is never too early to floss. Children need to floss when their molar (back) teeth appear.
    Key Tip! Parents should save their sanity (and backs) by laying their children back (like at the dental office) and flossing with the child’s head in their lap.  If there is a bright light nearby, check to make sure the teeth are brushed clean before putting little ones to bed.

To schedule a dental appointment call 402-932-7204.

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